#!/bin/bash#b2d.sh: convert binary number to decimal number#Usage: ./b2d.sh numberBAD_ARGS=65WRONG_ARGS=66ARGS=1 #参数数目if [ $# -ne $ARGS ]then echo "Usage: `basename $0` binary_number" exit $BAD_ARGSficase $1 in [01]*) #判断是否为二进制数 count=$(echo $1 | wc -c) let "count--" #求出所输入的二进制数的位数 i=0 n=$count result=0 while [ $i -lt $count ] do c=$(echo $1 | cut -b$n) #从最低位开始依次得到该位上的数,如1101,将依次得到1、0、1、1 let "result+=c*2**i" #依次累加转换为十进制数 let "i++" let "n--" done echo "The decimal number of $1 is $result." exit 0 ;; *) echo "Please run this script with a binary number" exit $WRONG_ARGS ;;esac
#!/bin/bash#d2b.sh: convert a decimal number to a binary number#Usage: ./d2b.sh decimal_numberBAD_ARGS=65WRONG_ARGS=66ARGS=1 #参数数目if [ $# -ne $ARGS ]then echo "Usage: `basename $0` decimal_number" exit $BAD_ARGSfifunction is_positive_int() #用于判断输入是否为正整数,是返回1,否返回0{ if [ $# -lt 1 ] then return 0 fi if [[ $1 =~ ^[1-9][0-9]*$ ]] then return 1 fi if [[ $1 =~ ^0$ ]] then return 1 fi return 0}is_positive_int $1 #调用该函数进行判断if [ $? -ne 1 ] #不为1,则不是十进制正整数,提示并退出 then echo "Please run this script with a decimal number." exit $WRONG_ARGSelse #echo "$1 is a decimal number." num=$1 while [ $num -gt 0 ] #辗转相除法 do let r=num%2 result=$r$result let num=num/2 done echo "The binary number of $1 is $result." exit 0fi